Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Chugging Along

Well, I figured it's time for me to talk about the production. My job in Delilah is … um … I do the … uhh … well, it's all very important.

The production is doing very well. We've had a few auditions, and casted all but one of our roles (yours truly is playing one of the goons). In my role as …, I sent out casting calls, organized audition times, and notified those who were cast, and generally was sort of the director's emissary to the cast, like an assistant director (or at least, assistant to the director).

For the past few weeks, I've been heading up the effort to get the squibs working. This involved playing with chocolate syrup, tubes, air pumps, balloons, condoms, fishing line, super glue, and duct tape. As Geoff mentioned in a previous post, we finally got them working as we combined several ideas and resources.

On Sunday, our location scouting went fairly well. My group scouted several public places for crowd scenes, and public meeting scenes. We looked at a local hospital (and played on the helipad), the Capital building (and had to pass through a "Save Darfur" concert to get there), a few buildings downtown, and the Business School on campus. At the Business School, Tina (our star) and I somehow got ourselves locked in a stairwell, and had to leave through an emergency exit. Luckily it wasn't one armed with an alarm.

We found a few good spots, some really great windows and hallways in the Capital, and a stained-glass window in the hospital. We tried to get into the Convention Center, which we think may work perfect for one of our crowd scenes, but it was closed.

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